Sandy’s passion for cooking comes from sharing her hand-crafted meals with her loving family – Jim, Max and Alyssa are her favorite taste-testers!
Cooking to Sandy is an act of love; At Santastic Seasoning, LLC, Sandy is focused on creating moments that bring people together, and build lasting memories.
Bonding over a great dish with your family embodies a sense of togetherness and shared experiences.
This company was built on the reflection of values, traditions, and memories instilled in Sandy from the love and support of her family and friends.
Sandy’s love of food started when she got involved in the hospitality industry. As she worked her way up through the hotel food and beverage departments, she quickly grew a desire to learn more about the culinary world. Her employees showed her just how much there was to learn, respect and love about food. Over the years, her cooking quickly became chef-level, and eventually she started her own catering business. Sandy rapidly began putting her own twist on dishes she created, gaining notoriety from anyone who tasted her food. As an observer turned executive chef, she has always been drawn to the excitement of satisfying others with her food. Sandy has always had a talent for taking the simple to sophisticated with every dish.
The love of her family and friends inspired her to share the seasoning blend of spices she has created to use in her cooking for decades. The versatility of her seasoning is what made this product so special, and now desired by so many.
Sandy is a passionate person both in the kitchen, and in life. She loves spending time with her husband Jim, daughter Alyssa, son Max and dog, Ollie. Sandy is an avid golfer, loves to ride her boat and be outside when she isn’t creating new cuisines.